IMS Magazine
Blender 3D
Lay Public
This was a magazine cover created for the 2022 IMS Spring magazine on the topic of patient engagement in research. You can read the full issue here.
Final cover
A few initial sketches were quickly made in Procreate to get a sense of some possible ways I could represent patient engagement in research. Two ideas struck me as the best in terms of feasability within the scope of time and representation of the topic. I decided to explore both sketches in more detail and started with the cover showing two hands reaching out towards each other first.
The idea behind this cover was to show the interaction of a researcher reaching out towards a patient's hand. I created the hand sculpt in Zbrush using Zspheres and rendered the final scene in Blender. We realized that the hand with the surgical glove looked too much like a surgeon's glove, so I decided to add a pipette in his hand to make the research connection more obvious. Ultimately this piece wasn't going in the right direction, and we decided to pivot back to the second sketch idea afterwards.
Progress Work
Final Hands Cover
The idea behind this cover was to show patient engagement through a conversation between a researcher and a patient. I decided to show the multidisciplinary levels of research that could be involved by including puzzle pieces with icons representing different areas in research (E.g., Cardio, mental health, etc.). To start off, I began by modelling out the environment and characters (shoes were my favorite part).
Environment creation
Character Creation
After the characters were rigged, I posed them onto the puzzle scene as if they were talking to each other. The characters were also textured to match the rest of the environment. After some final edits, this was the final piece.
Character Posing
Final render