IMS Magazine
Blender 3D
Lay Public
This was a magazine cover created for the 2022 IMS Winter magazine. On the topic of men's health, I tried to create a friendly and bright cover that focussed on simple characters and both their mental and physical well-being.
Final cover
I started by creating a rough character style sheet and an even rougher layout. This character would be the base character that I would duplicate to create all the characters in the scene. I used this stylesheet as the basis for character modelling and scene layout. A simple armature was created for the character for posing later on.
Initial rough character sketches and base model
After creating the character and rigging him, four duplicates were created and positioned in the scene. Multiple versions were created to get the final look and additional assets such as a tree, hills, buildings, clouds, and birds were added in as well. To create the faces of each character, Blender's grease pencil tool was used.
Final Mockup